CharIN and IEMA Form a Strategic Partnership to Advance E-Mobility in the Maritime Industry

The collaboration between CharIN and IEMA, the International Electric Marine Association, will help accelerate the de-carbonization of the marine industry by bringing together the world’s leading association for e-mobility in CharIN with the first industry-backed association advocating policies to enable the global marine sector’s transition to zero-emission by 2050 in IEMA.

Founded less than a year ago, IEMA already has more than 70 members who are instrumental in developing the technologies required to electrify the marine industry. IEMA is dedicated to ensuring the safety of all-electric marine solutions. Through a strong collaborative approach of its members, IEMA will become an educational resource for information and data covering all aspects of the latest innovations, studies, and products. IEMA advocates for the entire electric marine sector by connecting for-profit companies, municipalities, government authorities, industry associations, and philanthropic institutions.

News Info

Published on: 07/24/2024

To start collaborating with CharIN and IEMA as part of the CharIN Marine Task Force, sign-up here:

News contacts

Jeremy Schofield

Director of Technology CharIN Academy

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