CIRCE becomes a Regular member of CharIN

CIRCE is a Technology Center founded in 1993 and based in Zaragoza (Spain), seeking to anticipate and transfer technological solutions for a sustainable development.

We will contribute to CHARIN with the know-how of CIRCE, accumulated over more than 15 years in developing both power electronics for DC chargers, communication electronics for circuit boards, and communication protocols for V2G charging in the former Japanese OEM’s standard.

CIRCE possesses extensive experience gained from innovation projects, both at European level, and for top-tier charger manufacturers. We will contribute with the experience of having developed several SiC DC V2G charger designs and real pilot experiences, such as the first V2G network in Spain. Additionally, CIRCE has experience in the development of inductive charging technology, both static and dynamic, with its own patents and innovative projects utilizing this technology.

In summary, CIRCE will contribute to CHARIN not only with its innovative experience in power electronics for chargers and communications, but also with its expertise in inductive charging and support for smart grids.

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Published on: 03/09/2024

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